Translators with a Degree in your field.
Is it possible?
It's a reality at LingvaText.
Fast turnaround. All file types.
Reliable and accurate translators and linguists in every field:
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    In order to ensure that your projects are handled by the most qualified professional linguists, we have translators with specific domain experience and expertise. Lingvatext is proud to have superstar translators in Biotech, Education, Patent Law and many other fields.
  • No upfront payment.
    We live in the 21st century, so we don't Just expect you to trust us, We Trust You as a customer. Thus, LingvaText doesn't ask you to pay upfront for any order less than 1200 USD.
  • No formatting fees.
    We understand the challenges you may have dealing with a huge number of scanned files or specific formatting, not just Microsoft Word. It's our problem now, concentrate on your main work, we translate for you and convert scanned files into editable text.
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